Category: Ship Log

  • Starting with the Stomach

    Starting with the Stomach

    There’s no good place to start when writing after a pause of several months and a transition from our latest spell in Spain to our current life in the Homeland. But eating and decision-making are always in play, so here I begin. This is an actual, real-time inventory of sweets in the Council Bluffs kitchen:…

  • Fun Money, for International Living

    This story was published in a recent International Living e-newsletter. IL publishes a print magazine and also offers a variety of free International Living “Postcards.” To subscribe, visit International Living. August 29, 2012 Dear Fund Your Life Overseas Reader, When you’re brave enough to go after the overseas life you’ve dreamed of, money-making opportunities have…

  • FriFoto: For Sale

    About 1,000 people live in Condado de Alhama, a.k.a. Polaris World, in the center of the Murcia region of Spain. It was built – until work stopped – for tens of thousands.

  • Homesick


    When I was seven or eight, I was about to do my first two-week camp session. Camp Su-Wi-Ma, a Campfire Girls’ camp, was familiar to me, originally from dropping off and picking up my sister there, and later through my own camp weeks. It was only 20 miles from home, on a nice little lake,…

  • Doggie Addendum

    Doggie Addendum

    Lest you think I’m bitter about the bites on my forearms, the destruction of personal property, or the various household deficiencies here, I’d like to introduce you to the Four Dogs we’re caring for.  The dogs don’t give a woof about our oddball situation in this British-isle-within-a-country, nor notice the unpredictable nature of their mistress.…