Paper Darts Magazine
I’m belatedly discovering the art and lit magazine, Paper Darts. This is certainly a function of being out of touch with the Minneapolis/St. Paul scene, which is forever active and evolving. I’ve yet to see a printed version, but have ordered the back issues for download, from the Store heading on the site. Today’s reading…
Three Days in Valencia
The start date for our house-sitting in Mazarrón, Spain, was delayed. So we spent an additional night in Madrid and then three days in Valencia before heading south from Valencia to the province of Murcia to meet our new house mates. This set of pictures were taken on Pascua Lunes in Valencia, actually the Monday…
Dance Tradition in Bali
While in Bali, I saw a film produced in the 1930s by Mexican artist Miguel Covarrubias, a frequent illustrator in the day for The New Yorker and Vanity Fair. In the documentary, the legendary Bali dancer I Marya was pictured performing his unique, seated dance. The smallest movements of his eyes, wrists, fan, and fingertips…