Category: Ship Log

  • Backtrack to Harlan County

    Backtrack to Harlan County

    On our road trip in August, we enjoyed driving through Kentucky.  Fans of the TV series, “Justified,” with Timothy Olyphant, will identify with this photo.   I think of the 1976 doucmentary, “Harlan County, USA.” Either way, it was a worthwhile stop for lunch and the county museum.

  • Survivor


    That morning, the train whistle sounded like the strum of a guitar. A soft strum, now and again, without rhythm but tuneful. That was the same day he killed a dead man. He’d limped along the parade route, stopping here and there but never finding the perfect viewing place. Sometimes he stopped among old men…

  • Eleven Sure Signs I’m (still) in Council Bluffs, Iowa

    Eleven Sure Signs I’m (still) in Council Bluffs, Iowa

    Or, how I pass my time in the family home of my S.O. 1. I’m entering every damn contest I come across…especially if it involves travel. No worries if the entry takes hours to complete; I have plenty of time. And I’m motivated. (See #5.) 2. I’m playing not one, but four, Scrabble games via Facebook.…

  • A Cheesy Danish Fairy Tale

    A Cheesy Danish Fairy Tale

    Here is my entry for Travelocity’s Roaming Gnome contest.  Open the link, register with your email (no harm will come to you), watch it, weep, chuckle, and vote for me.  The prize: a trip around the world. Vote daily through October 27, please and thanks.

  • Permission to be Nosy

    Permission to be Nosy

    [Another tale told for pay. Visit International Living to sign up for “Fund Your Life” e-newsletters or to subscribe to their magazine.-KH] Editor’s Note: The perks to being a travel writer are many and we’ve covered them in detail in this e-letter. But something we’ve seldom touched on is the perk that Kristin considers the most…