Category: Ship Log

  • Tasmania Photo Gallery

    Tasmania Photo Gallery

    Maybe it’s because I just finished the book “In Tasmania,” but even though I’m more than a week and thousands of miles away, part of me is still in Tasmania.

  • Train of Thought to February

    Train of Thought to February

    [Cairns, QLD, Australia] I’ve been working on moving my website from WordPress to my own place, So instead of writing posts in the last couple weeks, I’ve been taking notes that have quickly disintegrated into random musings, which I am only too willing to share. Meanwhile, we’re in Australia, a land of many wonders,…

  • The Convict that is Me

    The Convict that is Me

    I’m about to write a few words about tourism in Tasmania. But speaking of Correctional Facilities, I stand corrected. My Sydney friends have pointed out I may have exaggerated the price of some items in my earlier Oyster Post. Tina assures me flip-flops can be had for under ten dollars ‘in every suburb in every…

  • Since You’re Here, Have Some More Oysters

    Since You’re Here, Have Some More Oysters

    Depressed Americans (aren’t we all? It’s an election year!) can only avoid the cost of visiting Australia by not visiting. Once you’re here, it’s best just to change your thinking about prices. Or forget them all together so as not to paralyze your journey. To make it simple – even though the AUS and US…

  • Dance Tradition in Bali

    While in Bali, I saw a film produced in the 1930s by Mexican artist Miguel Covarrubias, a frequent illustrator in the day for The New Yorker and Vanity Fair. In the documentary, the legendary Bali dancer I Marya was pictured performing his unique, seated dance. The smallest movements of his eyes, wrists, fan, and fingertips…