Category: Close-up

  • Dragonflies in the Garden, Nikko, Japan

    Dragonflies in the Garden, Nikko, Japan

    Nikko was our first stop out of Tokyo. The temple and shrine area (combining Buddhism and Shinto architecture) has the advantage of being situated on a gorgeous wooded mountainside, above a fast flowing river. The downside during our visit was that the Rinnoji Temple was completely encased by another building, as an eleven-year renovation project…

  • Surfboard Yoga at Waikiki Beach

    Surfboard Yoga at Waikiki Beach

    While we stay in one of the windiest channels in the world off the north side of Maui, I found this Surfboard Yoga photo I snapped last week at Waikiki Beach. Waikiki is on the leeward side of Oahu, and much of the beach is protected by a rock reef.  All the better for upward…

  • Sandhill Cranes at Grand Lake, Rockville, Minnesota

    Sandhill Cranes at Grand Lake, Rockville, Minnesota

    I’m not accustomed to seeing Sandhill Cranes anywhere outside of Nebraska where they congregate annually along the Platte River. But here were a pair roaming around the fields I’ve driven through since childhood, on my way to Grand Lake, about 20 mies west of St. Cloud. The Rockville/Cold Spring area of Stearns County is known…

  • Today’s Close-up: Wicklow Gap, Ireland

    Do you recognize the scenery? After much racking of brain and tearing out of hair, we discovered the movie that was filmed here at Wicklow Gap. Drum roll…with Matthew McConaughey…2002…Reign of Fire!* Ha, I’d never heard of it either. In fact, Wicklow Gap is gorgeous and was the route through the mountains from the central…

  • Today’s Close-up: The Viamede Pigs

    Just part of the local culture at Viamede Resort, where mozzarella, herbs, and perhaps even bacon are home grown.  These sweet little pigs–there were four or five–came out of their pen and sleep to greet me on my morning walk.  Once we exchanged pleasantries and they nosed around a little, they went back to bed,…