Our first visit to the town of Santander (capitol of Cantabria, Spain) was a quick one. Parking the 4×4 truck in an underground parking garage proved to be the biggest adventure, since we couldn’t bend the vehicle through the ramps. But once we stashed the car, we walked through the great Mercado de la Esperanza, saw some Christmas festivities, and hiked down to the fisherman’s port area for lunch. We loved the dessert, and the kind people at Restaurante Trasmayos shared the recipe with us. It’s a delicious, light dessert, quick and easy, and contains no eggs.
Crema de Limón
1 Liter heavy cream (I suspect you could use half & half, or even plain yogurt)
400 grams cream cheese (I think you could use créme fraiche)
1 can condensed milk
Juice of 4-5 lemons
Mix it all up by hand or in a blender, and there you have it. Serve chilled with a straw and/or spoon. Serves 10-14, I’m guessing.
Note: I’ve read recipes that suggest mixing the lemon juice with the condensed milk first. Another hint suggested bringing the dairy to room temperature before adding the lemon. I’ll let you know when I’ve tried it at home.