Tag: Travel

  • Since You’re Here, Have Some More Oysters

    Since You’re Here, Have Some More Oysters

    Depressed Americans (aren’t we all? It’s an election year!) can only avoid the cost of visiting Australia by not visiting. Once you’re here, it’s best just to change your thinking about prices. Or forget them all together so as not to paralyze your journey. To make it simple – even though the AUS and US…

  • Quotable Travel Quotes

    Your true traveler finds boredom rather agreeable than painful. It is the symbol of his liberty-his excessive freedom. He accepts his boredom, when it comes, not merely philosophically, but almost with pleasure. –Aldous Huxley, quoting from Matador Network’s 50 Most Inspiring Travel Quotes   When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all…

  • Bali’s Bang for the Buck

    Rupiah, the Indonesian currency, look like play money, and stack up like it, too. Today, the posted exchange rate is about 9,175 rupiah to one U.S. dollar. Our last ATM withdrawals netted less, of course, and the cash machines typically allow a maximum of 1.5 million rupiah ($175) per withdrawal. Cash is king; surcharges are…

  • 10 Things I’ve Learned from Traveling (with my husband of 34 years)

    1. The morning is for people who have someplace to go. The afternoon is for wandering around aimlessly, long lunches, reading, or napping. Do what you need to do in the morning or you’ll never get it done. If you arrive at a bank or office after hours, you can be sure it won’t open…

  • Misc. Travel Quotations

        [quote]Not all who wander are lost. – J.R.R. Tolkien[/quote] [quote]Cuando estamos lejos de la patria nunca la recordamos en sus inviernos. La distancia borra las penas del invierno, las poblaciones desamparadas, los niños descalzos en el frío. El arte del recuerdo sólo nos trae campiñas verdes, flores amarillas y rojas, el cielo azulado…