Tag: Transition

  • The So-Called Routine of a Traveler

    Santa Cruz, Chile March 2011 You asked and I didn’t exactly answer, because it’s hard to describe our daily routines when there’s so little pattern.  Our routines are quirky and depend on where we are, and for how long. But even as vagabonds, we have developed a rhythm. We wake and read, read and have…

  • Tales of Relocation

    Quito, Ecuador October 2010 Arriving Ecuador doesn’t have a game face for tourists.  Visitors from the States generally arrive late at night, pursued by tales of how dangerous Quito is and how tricky the airport landings can be. These are not tall tales. By the time we go through customs, in a room not much…

  • Letter: How Did We Get Here?

    Quito, Ecuador September 2010 You weren’t the only one wondering what the hell we were up to when you got our earlier email announcing a new address in Ecuador.  Things moved fast; long-planned changes happened before we knew it. Here’s the story, and it starts with the refrain we carried away with us after living…