Tag: Poetry

  • The Mazarrón Haiku

    1. Four lucky dogs live Because she rescued them and No one’s shot them yet.   2. Neighbors hate the dogs Who bark at neighbors’ talking And at cats stalking.   3. Cigarette smoke dwells On dog hair, broken hardware, Windblown doors, gnawed bones.   4. In Mazarrón, wind Climbs the dusty roads, spreading Chalk…

  • Sonnet 2, Camino Expectations

    The click of walking sticks on gravel roads With crunchy boot steps and determined strides, A meditative cadence, balanced load; New landscapes painting the absence inside. What message in eagles, staid pairs on limbs, In rocks, cows, and songbirds leading the way, In storied arroyos and hot, mad winds, In tree shapes and harvested grapes…

  • Six Haiku, December 2011

    My haiku warm-up exercises turned into multi-day workshops. I could keep fiddling with these things indefinitely. Here, so I can move on to something else: In our jet cocoon Silk strands floating behind us A tensile trail home Your body deprived Goes numb, the dragging foot draws Warped lines of anguish Camino soundtrack: Clicking sticks,…


    THAT is no country for old men. The young In one another’s arms, birds in the trees – Those dying generations – at their song, The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas, Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long Whatever is begotten, born, and dies. Caught in that sensual music all neglect Monuments of unageing intellect.…

  • F27

            We’ll wear the Quipo strings as a necklace, Every knot and bead, incision in clay An account of your life, emblems of your Character tied in every knot.   Like Chilean miners drawn from the grave, Survivors mark the date with candles on dark waters, Like us, bobbing at random, nothing…