The Convict that is Me


I’m about to write a few words about tourism in Tasmania. But speaking of Correctional Facilities, I stand corrected. My Sydney friends have pointed out I may have exaggerated the price of some items in my earlier Oyster Post. Tina assures me flip-flops can be had for under ten dollars ‘in every suburb in every town.’ We think that refers to the popular Billabong brand, so here is their Aussie site so you can see for yourself.(No worries, mate, they call them thongs here, just as we used to in Minnesota when I was a kid.)

Lawrence points out we weren’t exactly on a budget when it comes to dining, but he then told me when he refers to Sydney’s ‘fine dining,’ he really means the numerous and expensive fines restaurants incur under the strict licensing practices. Lawrence, an American by birth, in Sydney for 16 years, can remember when 55 cents would buy an Australian dollar.

The ring pictured in that post was purchased at Dinosaur Designs, which has a store in NYC, and is carried by other retailers in the States.

And if I didn’t mention enough free thrills in Sydney, there is the pleasure of running into Russell Crowe around Woolloomooloo or Nicole Kidman when she’s not in Nashville with Keith. But I didn’t.

Next up: “Transported: Our one-way ticket to Tasmania”

One response to “The Convict that is Me”

  1. I recollect the days when $0.60 US could buy $1.00 AUS. It made the Moreton Bay bugs cheap and even made the petrol in Kununurra almost seem like a good deal!

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